A theta session includes:
Energetic reading
Working with an individual request (problem, situation, illness)
Working with feelings and emotions associated with this request
Working with beliefs underlying the problem, situation, illness
Working with ancestors, with the family (depending on the request)
Crystal layout (a short theta session) - connection and immersion into your DNA with the purpose of activating and integrating into your life certain qualities, abilities and skills necessary for your request. -> Working with ancestors.
The request (the topic for the session) can be the following:
Panic attacks
See more examples below
Seminar "Basic DNA"
The course introduces ThetaHealing techniques, how powerful our thoughts are and focuses on the understanding that we are all connected.
We will explore techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by different beliefs, either self-inflicted or externally imposed. This is the first step of the jorney.
Pre-requisites: N/A.
Seminar "Advanced DNA"
The course expands the information from Basic DNA to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence. Experience new, positive feelings such as knowing how to appreciate The Now and what self-acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.
Pre-requisites: Basic DNA.
Seminar "Dig Deeper"
Information will follow.
Seminar "You and the Creator"
Information will follow.
Seminar "Discover Your Algorithm"
The course was created for you to understand, in a fun and dynamic way, all of your inner algorithms.
You will learn to discover the emotions you use to create and react automatically (in a positive or negative way); to identify the method you use to ¨solve¨ each situation in life and how to improve on this.
After this seminar you will make better decisions and be able to handle any situation in your life with ease.
Pre-requisites: N/A.